Sunday, March 13, 2016

Food Poisoning or Stomach Virus

Ahhh, the title says it all.  That was my life for four days last week.  No fun.  For a few minutes I thought I was going to die, but I lived, so life goes on.

Most of us know we should listen to our inner voice.  Knowing is not always doing. It seems like each time we don't, we vow to do better and absolutely listen next time.  We still end up ignoring the voice every now and then.

Such was my experience last week.  Tried a new to us local restaurant.  After ordering, we noticed the floor wasn't as clean as it should be.  The food came and it didn't taste as good as it should have for a simple vegetable omelet and roasted potatoes.  The 'salsa' I asked for to put on my potatoes was more like canned tomatoes.  They tasted off also. The coffee was not as good as it should have been and that is a definite sign not to have breakfast somewhere. But we soldiered through it.

Now I can't say with 100% certainty that this restaurant's food is what made me sick.    However, it was the only thing different I had.  The leftovers I had for lunch was the soup  I made for the previous supper with no ill effects and all members of the family had eaten it also.  I had some newly purchased bulk dried figs from a health food store.  So in fairness, I threw out everything I had eaten in the past 24 hours regardless of how much was left. The rest of the soup went and the figs went. Other than the breakfast, that was all I had eaten before feeling ill.

Live and learn.  The restaurant is off the list, forever.  I am feeling great again.  Life is good and my inner voice will be a little easier to hear next time.

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