Monday, February 29, 2016

Two Forward, One Back

Progress is slow but it is still progress.  I have lost 3.6 lbs so far this year.  I eat vegetarian 70-80% of the week.  I am seeing a chiropractor.  I am exercising more.  I feel better.  Less muscle soreness and fewer migraines although sinus headaches were a problem last week.  The neti pot helps.
I have decided to be more structured in taking supplements.  Right now it is a hit or miss as to when I take them.  I am making a plan to remedy that.
I purchased a weekly pill box with labeled days of the week.  Dollar Tree has them.  I have several books that agree on some supplements that work for FM sufferers.  I plan to fill the sections and make an honest effort to empty each section out by day's end.
I can't really say if any supplements have helped me as I am way too inconsistent in taking them.  Focusing on consistency will allow me to see if they can really affect how I feel.  I will take the following:
b12 sublingual
Co Q10
fish oil (not vegetarian I know but it is recommended)
malic acid (new to me but recently has shown up and been recommended)
juiceplus veg and fruit

That's a lot of pills.  I plan to divide them up throughout the day.  I have also been drinking kombucha each morning; about 4 ounces.  After about 6 weeks, I will evaluate the affects and frequency of headaches.  Hope to see some positive results.

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