I have felt so tired the last few days. I kept trying to make some type of connection to figure out why. You know the drill. You review your schedule, meals, and demands, over and over in your mind. Cold coming on; no. Weird new food; no. Lack of sleep; well, yes but that is my normal. I finally realized I had not been making a conscious effort to drink my 6-8 glasses of water. In addition, I usually have a 1-2 cups of tea each day. Upon review, I was way behind on my fluids.
I think drinking water comes more naturally in the summer, especially in the Midwest when humidity makes you feel hot and drenched in a matter of minutes. Thirst is satisfied as part of the search to find ways to cool down, such as drinking iced water. Not in winter.
In winter, I have to make an effort to drink all that I need. I have tried various ways to keep up with water consumed. I have a water bottle with bands on it. The bands were made to wear on your wrist but I thought I could remove one each time I filled up the bottle and then after all three were removed, I would have consumed adequate water. Problem: the bands were hard to take off and put back on and when my daughter found them on the island, she would often wear them and they would be misplaced.
I am now working on using coasters to help me keep track. Sounds weird, but let me explain. I keep a holder with four coasters on my island as I don't like water rings on my counters. I use them, but no one else uses the ones in the kitchen. So this is now what I do: I pull all coasters out of the holder and put my 8 oz. glass on them each night. When I fill the glass, I move a coaster over to the holder. When all four are over in the holder, I then move them back out and repeat. If I drink a cup of tea or drink out of another container when I am away from home, I simply move the estimated number of coasters over when I get home. You can see from the picture that I have filled the glass 3 times: thus three coasters in the holder. After I drink the other half glass, I will refill the glass and move the 4th coaster over. It has been working for me quite well. Obviously, like so many other things, I have to actually use it for it to work. I'm going to finish that glass right now. Come on, drink a glass of water with me. I would enjoy hearing of other's solutions to tracking water consumption.
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