Thursday, September 21, 2017

Vegan Junk Food Exists

High school tennis season has been in full swing since August first.  It will end next week.  I'm so glad.  I enjoy watching the tennis matches and supporting my child but it wreaks havoc on healthy eating.

In rural America, we can count on a few things: dirt roads, volunteer fire departments, and a Subway and Sonic in every town.  For those of us eating WFPB and traveling, this is a challenge.  Subway sandwiches do not travel well although I enjoy ordering a veggie sandwich just how I like it.  That leaves Sonic and tater tots.  I find Sonic the least healthy option when traveling and forced to eat fast food.  I have eaten more tater tots the last 8 weeks than I have eaten in my life and the little sponges of grease are showing on the scale.

Up six pounds since July.  Not all the fault of tots as there have been a few chips in the mix.  This weight gain is now halted and I will continue going down once again.  Best to nip it in the bud before six turns into 10.  I'm not willing to go there.

Instant Pot is coming in handy once or twice per week when we are home for the evening meal.  I've created a vegetable soup that we have had once a week now for about four weeks.  I've also made the vegan stew from Simple Daily Recipes.  of course I tweak it a bit but it is hearty and delicious.  I've yet to cook beans, mainly because I can't believe I don't have to soak them first.  I will try one day though.

I still feel pretty good overall, however, I did have a few days last week where I got minimal sleep due to chores (uniform has to be washed when we get home each night around 10p.m.)  and homework assistance.  Sleep makes such a huge difference in the pain level of this sufferer of FM.

I will join a challenge on October first to cut out all process food and oil and just eat whole plant based. I need such a challenge.  It may be difficult or it may not but I am committed to doing it. Curses Halloween candy.

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