I've been noticing lately how much the word control, and more often, the implied need for control comes up in conversations. The frequency gives a hint that it is a big issue for a lot of people, me included. So many things I (we) feel the need to control. I came to the understanding a long time ago that if it has anything to do with other people, give it up. We cannot control others.
On the other hand, there are many things I (we) can control about ourselves. Our behavior, reactions, and what we put in our mouth come to mind. Right now I have to work on all three. A doctor visit last week revealed that my blood pressure was high. Seven months ago, my visit to an ophthalmologist, it was not. Hmmm. Time to work on some control issues.
Thinking about what has been different or changed in that time was a necessity. Stress level up and down as usual. Activity level has been increasing, especially since December when I received my Fitbit Blaze. Food intake has decreased as I have lost a few pounds since November. However, I did realize that I have been eating a lot more salt than usual.
I have never been one for salty snacks. I did not add salt to my food and only added it when I baked but not when I cooked. I left it up to each person to salt to taste. Sweets were more my craving, or so I thought. In honesty, I have been eating much more salt than normal and it has been going on longer than I thought. I blame the Himalayas.
About a year ago, I bought some pink Himalayan salt, in a grinder no less. It is good salt. I don't know why, but it just tastes better than the one proffered by the girl with the umbrella. It even tastes better than the sea salt I purchase from the Amish. It is wonderful on fresh tomatoes, boiled eggs, and tomato soup. I feel that eating it has upped my salt tolerance and the 3-4 chips I normally would stop at, due to being too salty, became 10-12 chips.
Pretzels became a go to afternoon snack. Since going mostly vegetarian about a year ago, eggs became a protein mainstay. Himalayan pink salt on eggs, mmm. Well no more.
Sunday I began the Rice Diet Solution. It was created for lowering blood pressure. I believe it will work and I feel it is already. I am only speaking from day 3, however. Of course the proof is in the measurements. Having a blood pressure monitor at home has made it easy to track.
Sunday a.m.: 166/109 Monday a.m.: 142/93 Tuesday a.m. 124/91. I must say that I am pleased and will keep on doing the Rice Diet Solution not only to lower blood pressure but I find it is a great basic plan for a plant-based diet.
I am thankful that blood pressure was the only thing off kilter. All other blood work came back great and even my B12 levels were in normal range. A little low on vitamin D but will supplement and retest in 12 weeks. Not bad for someone in their 50's.
Final weigh in for the weight loss challenge will be Friday. I'll let you know how I do. Just in it to keep the numbers headed in the right direction and I am definitely doing that. So bye-bye pink Himalayan salt. I can handle it because you're almost out anyway.
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